Friday, August 30, 2019

Friday: August 30, 2019


Weigh In: 291.6, down from 293.8 from last week.

I bought some new shoes!

I went to the local running store in town and got fitted for some shoes. Everything I read online said I should do that so I did! Also supporting small business!

Last night I FINALLY went back to yoga and today I am wrecked. Yoga is hard, you guys. I was going to go walking this morning but when I woke up, it was dark as HELL outside. I complained online and someone directed me to the light she wears on her morning runs and I ordered one. Should I have looked for something like this at the running store, now that I think about it? Probably. As I buy new gear, I'll try to find more local answers for things.

Starting next week my training plan is EVERY DAY when I wake up, go for an hour walk. I can do this while I'm travelling so I shouldn't have any excuse not to do it. And the plan is to do Yoga every night during the week (except Fridays, because there's nothing at the Yoga studio that night I'm interested in). And then on Saturdays and Sundays when I'm home during the day. I figure if I PLAN for every day and then when I need to skip a couple due to scheduling, I'll still have gone those other days. EH?? 

AIP is going strong. I'm kind of bummed that I don't get to slack off this weekend but ALL IN DUE TIME. I really want the new Popeye's Chicken Sandwich, which if you're reading this in the future, is VERY popular right now. I'll get one when AIP is over which will be in a couple of months. It seems like A VERY LONG TIME

I decided that my first race will be next year. I want to do the Mini-Sprint Triathlon at the Tri Goddess Triathlon, which is on June 28, 2020 (my mom's birthday!). It seems like a good one to start with and it will be about a year since I started this lifestyle change so it'll be a nice little anniversary.

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